
List of known values for the CoAP “Code” field.

The values in this module correspond to the IANA registry “CoRE Parameters”, subregistries “CoAP Method Codes” and “CoAP Response Codes”.

The codes come with methods that can be used to get their rough meaning, see the Code class for details.


Bases: ExtensibleIntEnum

Value for the CoAP “Code” field.

As the number range for the code values is separated, the rough meaning of a code can be determined using the is_request(), is_response() and is_successful() methods.

EMPTY = <Code 0 "EMPTY">
GET = <Request Code 1 "GET">
POST = <Request Code 2 "POST">
PUT = <Request Code 3 "PUT">
DELETE = <Request Code 4 "DELETE">
FETCH = <Request Code 5 "FETCH">
PATCH = <Request Code 6 "PATCH">
iPATCH = <Request Code 7 "iPATCH">
CREATED = <Successful Response Code 65 "2.01 Created">
DELETED = <Successful Response Code 66 "2.02 Deleted">
VALID = <Successful Response Code 67 "2.03 Valid">
CHANGED = <Successful Response Code 68 "2.04 Changed">
CONTENT = <Successful Response Code 69 "2.05 Content">
CONTINUE = <Successful Response Code 95 "2.31 Continue">
BAD_REQUEST = <Response Code 128 "4.00 Bad Request">
UNAUTHORIZED = <Response Code 129 "4.01 Unauthorized">
BAD_OPTION = <Response Code 130 "4.02 Bad Option">
FORBIDDEN = <Response Code 131 "4.03 Forbidden">
NOT_FOUND = <Response Code 132 "4.04 Not Found">
METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED = <Response Code 133 "4.05 Method Not Allowed">
NOT_ACCEPTABLE = <Response Code 134 "4.06 Not Acceptable">
REQUEST_ENTITY_INCOMPLETE = <Response Code 136 "4.08 Request Entity Incomplete">
CONFLICT = <Response Code 137 "4.09 Conflict">
PRECONDITION_FAILED = <Response Code 140 "4.12 Precondition Failed">
REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE = <Response Code 141 "4.13 Request Entity Too Large">
UNSUPPORTED_CONTENT_FORMAT = <Response Code 143 "4.15 Unsupported Content Format">
UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY = <Response Code 150 "4.22 Unprocessable Entity">
TOO_MANY_REQUESTS = <Response Code 157 "4.29 Too Many Requests">
INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR = <Response Code 160 "5.00 Internal Server Error">
NOT_IMPLEMENTED = <Response Code 161 "5.01 Not Implemented">
BAD_GATEWAY = <Response Code 162 "5.02 Bad Gateway">
SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE = <Response Code 163 "5.03 Service Unavailable">
GATEWAY_TIMEOUT = <Response Code 164 "5.04 Gateway Timeout">
PROXYING_NOT_SUPPORTED = <Response Code 165 "5.05 Proxying Not Supported">
HOP_LIMIT_REACHED = <Response Code 168 "5.08 Hop Limit Reached">
CSM = <Code 225 "7.01 Csm">
PING = <Code 226 "7.02 Ping">
PONG = <Code 227 "7.03 Pong">
RELEASE = <Code 228 "7.04 Release">
ABORT = <Code 229 "7.05 Abort">

True if the code is in the request code range


True if the code is in the response code range


True if the code is in the successful subrange of the response code range


True if a message with that code can carry a payload. This is not checked for strictly, but used as an indicator.

property class_

The class of a code (distinguishing whether it’s successful, a request or a response error or more).

>>> Code.CONTENT
<Successful Response Code 69 "2.05 Content">
>>> Code.CONTENT.class_
<Response Code 162 "5.02 Bad Gateway">
>>> Code.BAD_GATEWAY.class_
property dotted

The numeric value three-decimal-digits (c.dd) form

property name_printable

The name of the code in human-readable form

property name

The constant name of the code (equals name_printable readable in all-caps and with underscores)