
aiocoap-client is a simple command-line tool for interacting with CoAP servers

usage: aiocoap-client [-h] [--non] [-m METHOD] [--observe]
                      [--observe-exec CMD] [--accept MIME] [--proxy URI]
                      [--payload X] [--payload-initial-szx SZX]
                      [--content-format MIME] [--no-set-hostname] [-v] [-q]
                      [--interactive] [--credentials CREDENTIALS] [--version]
                      [--color] [--pretty-print]

Positional Arguments


CoAP address to fetch

Named Arguments


Send request as non-confirmable (NON) message

Default: False

-m, --method

Name or number of request method to use (default: “GET”)

Default: “GET”


Register an observation on the resource

Default: False


Run the specified program whenever the observed resource changes, feeding the response data to its stdin


Content format to request


Relay the CoAP request to a proxy for execution


Send X as request payload (eg. with a PUT). If X starts with an ‘@’, its remainder is treated as a file name and read from; ‘@-’ reads from the console. Non-file data may be recoded, see –content-format.


Size exponent to limit the initial block’s size (0 ≙ 16 Byte, 6 ≙ 1024 Byte)


Content format of the –payload data. If a known format is given and –payload has a non-file argument, the payload is converted from CBOR Diagnostic Notation.


Suppress transmission of Uri-Host even if the host name is not an IP literal

Default: True

-v, --verbose

Increase the debug output

-q, --quiet

Decrease the debug output


Enter interactive mode

Default: False


Load credentials to use from a given file


show program’s version number and exit

--color, --no-color

Color output (default on TTYs if all required modules are installed)

--pretty-print, --no-pretty-print

Pretty-print known content formats (default on TTYs if all required modules are installed)