Installing aiocoap ================== .. note:: The commands here will install aiocoap in your current environment. By default, that is your platform's user install directory. To keep that clean, or to use different sets or versions of libraries for different purposes, you may want to look into the `venv documentation`_, which explains both the concept of virtual environments and how they are used on different platforms. .. _`venv documentation`: In most situations, it is recommended to install the latest released version of aiocoap. This is done using a simple:: $ pip3 install --upgrade "aiocoap[all]" (In some cases, the program is called ``pip`` only). .. _installation-development: Development version ------------------- If you want to play with aiocoap's internals or consider contributing to the project, the suggested way of operation is getting a Git checkout of the project:: $ git clone $ cd aiocoap You can then use the project from that location, or install it with :: $ pip3 install --upgrade ".[all,docs]" If you need to install the latest development version of aiocoap but do not plan on editing (eg. because you were asked in the course of a bug report to test something against the latest aiocoap version), you can install it directly from the web:: $ pip3 install --upgrade "git+[all]" With the ``-e`` option, that is also a viable option if you want to modify aiocoap and pip's `choice of checkout directories`_ is suitable for you. .. _`Python package index`: .. _`choice of checkout directories`: Common errors ------------- When upstream libraries change, or when dependencies of used libraries are not there (eg. no C compiler, C libraries missing), the installation process can fail. On Debian based systems, it helps to install the packages ``python3-dev``, ``build-essential`` and ``autoconf``; generally, the error output will contain some hints as to what is missing. As a workaround, it can be helpful to not install with all extras, but replace the ``all`` with the extras you actually want from the list below. For example, if you see errors from DTLSSocket, rather than installing with ``[all,docs]``, you can leave out the ``tinydtls`` extra and install with ``[linkheader,oscore,prettyprint,docs]``. Slimmer installations --------------------- As aiocoap does not strictly depend on many of the libraries that are installed when following the above recommendations, a setup can be stripped down by entering any combination of the below "extras" in the place of the ``all`` in the above lines, or leaving out the ``[all]`` expression for a minimal installation. The extras currently supported are: * ``oscore``: Required for the :mod:`aiocoap.transports.oscore` transport. * ``tinydtls``: Required for using CoAP over DTLS. * ``ws``: Required for using CoAP over WebSockets. * ``prettyprint``: Allows using the ``--color`` and ``--pretty-print`` options of :doc:`module/aiocoap.cli.client`. * ``docs``: Installs tools needed to build the documentation (not part of ``all``). * ``linkheader``: Originally needed for generating and parsing files in RFC6690_ link format, eg. ``.well-known/core`` files. This extra does not contain any external dependencies, but was left in place for compatibility. Which libraries and versions are pulled in by this exactly is documented in the ```` file. .. _RFC6690: .. _installation-pyodide: On pyodide ---------- aiocoap can be run in a Python interpreter that is running in the browser called pyodide_. When using pyodide (either directly or through a `Jupyter notebook`_), ``pip`` is unavailable, but there is ``micropip`` to replace it. Installation is then done directly in the Python environment using:: >>> import micropip >>> await micropip.install("aiocoap[prettyprint,oscore]") See the :doc:`pyodide` section of the documentation on how aiocoap can be used there. .. _pyodide: .. _`Jupyter notebook`: If you want to run an unreleased branch or test own code, get a Git checkout as described for development above, and run:: python3 -m build Then, copy the newly created file ``dist/aiocoap-${VERSION}-py3-none-any.whl`` to a file server on the public web. Make sure to leave the file name as is, because micropip will attempt to parse it. Then you can pass the URI of the file instead of the name "aiocoap" to micropip.install. Note that the server may need some CORS_ setup to allow loading of the file from foreign web sites. For that reason, running the ``http.server`` module as a web server on localhost creates an insufficient server. .. _CORS: